Same Day Dentures

The dental standard of care has changed a great deal over the years. Before, if you had decaying teeth, your dentist would suggest removing the diseased teeth and then getting full dentures savage mn made. This process would take several months for your gums and tissue to heal and for the dentures to be made. Today, there is no need to wait months and live without teeth. You can have teeth removed by your dentist and in the same day have a temporary set of dentures made. If you have been putting off having teeth pulled because you are concerned about living without teeth, same day dentures may be the solution that you have been looking for. Below is more information on same day dentures and the purpose they serve.

Benefits of Same Day Dentures

While same day dentures are not a recommended long-term solution, they serve a specific purpose and have many benefits. One of the benefits of same day dentures is that they are available immediately after teeth are extracted and there is no period of waiting without teeth. This immediate solution allows individuals to get used to the feel of dentures, a process that takes time for some. Dentures feel different in the process of chewing, speaking, and everyday wear. Same day dentures allow someone who may consider dentures as a long-term solution to start the adjustment period right away. While adjusting to the feel of dentures, same day dentures also allow your gums and tissues to heal from the tooth extraction procedure. The dentures act as a protective guard, minimizing injury or bleeding while the gums and tissue heal.

Fitting Same Day Dentures

During the extraction healing process, the gums and soft tissue in the mouth will change in shape. As the mouth changes, the dentures may need to be refit or re-aligned so they continue to fit properly. In most cases, the dentist will recommend the same day dentures as temporary solution to be used from the day of extraction until the healing process is over. Once the healing process is over a permanent set of dentures can be custom made to fit the healed mouth.

The Cost of Same Day Dentures

Because same day dentures are an additional set of dentures to be worn during the healing process and are technically temporary, they add to the total tooth replacement cost. Trying to decide on whether same day dentures are worth the additional costs depends on deciding if you want to go through the post-extraction healing period with or without teeth. If you have a tooth extraction planned in your future, you should have a discussion with your dentist about whether same day dentures are a good option for you. This discussion will include developing a plan for the tooth extraction, the number of visits that will be necessary, and the plans for the post-extraction healing period. If you decide same day dentures are the right option for you and worth the extra cost, your dentist may have some ideas to help with payment options.

More About Dentures : What are The Types of Dentures?